'Naturally Occurring' Pollutants From Fracking Called 'Serious Concerns' 12/2013 - Public News Service *************************************************************************************************************** 12/13/13 Breaking News on Sunoco Logistics (SXL) Mariner West Pipeline and Pump Station going through Medina County - Go to Pipeline in Medina County Link ************************************************************************************* HEALTH DEPT. Concerned About Benzene Emissions Near Local Gas Drilling Sites - 12/10/13 ************************************************************************************* BREAKING Ohio NEWS from CHANNEL 3 - 7/17/13! Landowners: Fracking created toxic damages to land, water ********************************************************************************************************
Richman Farms, 7900 Richman Rd., Lodi, Ohio - (This is the Indoe big farm operation) - site is just to the north of where Richman crosses Kennard. (Site is ready for fracking to begin)
Hydraulic fracturing is a drilling procedure used in many natural gas wells in the United States. Millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals are pumped at extremely high pressures underground. This process fractures the shale, opening fissures that release the gas.
Scientists are worried that the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing may pose a threat either underground or when waste fluids are handled and sometimes spilled on the surface. Fissures cannot be controlled, so methane and other products of the process often leak into aquifers and groundwater. Inadequate regulations and lobbyists make the situation even worse. Concerned Citizens of Medina County was organized to educate the public, correct industry misinformation and support necessary regulations.